Manual Translation
- Translators with a lot of knowledge
- Low rates
- Confidentiality guaranteed
You buy a device, pick up the instruction manual, and carry out the described procedures step by step. But the device is not working as it should. After a few more unsuccessful attempts, you decide to search for a solution on web forums, but you are overwhelmed by a tsunami of operational problems. It appears you are not the only one struggling with the device. And even if you do find the answer to your question, the next problem is right around the corner. Depressing, to say the least.
Does this situation sound familiar?
Is the device that terrible? No, the instruction manual is terrible, or even more likely: the translation of the instruction manual is bad.
And just think: you are not the only one suffering from a poor translation. The manufacturer, the importer, and the seller all suffer with you. They are the ones who have to deal with complaints and see the name of the brand come under pressure. And all that because of a poor translation of the instruction manual!
This is because there is not enough focus on the translation of manuals, and many manuals are translated by translators who have insufficient technical knowledge or no affinity with the device. Or, even worse; they do not even understand the way the device works. They are basically translating sentences and loose words without any coherence. And words can, as we know, often have many different possible translations. This way, errors sneak in.
That will never happen to you with a translation from Translation Agency™. We select the translator(s) based on at least two qualities: the required language combination and the correct professional knowledge. We can do this because we work with over 1,100 translators. For anything you can think of, we have a translator with the appropriate language combination and background.
The result is clear. A comprehensive instruction manual which ensures that the consumer can quickly get the hang of the device and make optimal use of it. That benefits the entire brand. The chance of the consumer choosing the same brand in the future increases, and other people will hear about their great purchase and the clear manual. A brand which takes its customers seriously by offering them high quality translations of manuals will be highly appreciated.
In the end, it’s all very simple. Manuals have a bad name because they generally receive too little attention. Therefore, a brand which ensures a well-translated, clear manual stands out from the crowd. A small investment in a flawlessly translated manual reflects positively on the brand name, which translated into increases sales.
What are you waiting for? You can find our online quote form, here. If you complete it, you will receive a competitive, customised quote within 15 minutes. Yes, competitive and customised! Because on top of everything else, our translations are much less expensive than those of our competitors.
How are we able to provide high quality translations at a much lower price? We barely have any overhead! No offices, designer furniture, and company cars for us, and that results in a much lower price. Find out more on this page: Quality translations at the lowest price!!
15.000+ clients have already placed their trust in us
Translation Agency complies with the highest attainable certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 17100:2015, and ISO 27001:2022. Top quality, security and service remain our number one priority.
Translation Agency is a member of the VViN and EUATC; Organisations of translation agencies that work together to optimise quality and service.