• Swedish translation agency

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flagSwedish translation agency

Swedish (Svenska) is a Scandinavian language within the North Germanic language group that is spoken by 9 million people. The standard language is called Standard Swedish (rikssvenska) and is based on the dialects around Stockholm and Mälardal. The most closely related languages are Norwegian and Danish. The speakers of these three languages can understand each other fairly well when speaking in their own languages. The vocabulary of Swedish largely consists of Germanic words, supplemented with loan words from (High) German, Latin, French, and English.

Swedish is a tonal language

Swedish is a so-called tonal language. This means a word can change meaning if it is expressed using a different tone. For instance, Swedish has one word for ‘ghost’ and ‘duck’: ‘anden’. The key accent of its pronunciation makes the difference. A complicating factor is that the key accents can vary from region to region, which means ghost and duck may sometimes be misunderstood.

A special case

Swedish is also spoken on the Finnish island group Åland, which is located between Sweden and Finland and is a bit of a ‘special case’. The Finnish island group consists of over 26,000 tiny islands of which 65 are inhabited by a total of 30,000 inhabitants. But the only official language here is Swedish. That is quite special, a part of Finland where Finnish is not an official language. This is the result of Finland declaring its independence from Russia in 1917. The Sweden-oriented inhabitants of Åland wanted to join Sweden, but Finland was unwilling to let go of the area. Through mediation by the League of Nations, it was decided that the islands would remain part of Finland but would have an extensive form of autonomy. And so it was.

In-country translators

We are an ISO 9001 and ISO 17100 certified translation agency. As a result, we have to meet the highest professional competence requirements. But this also applies to the translators we work with. Not only do we need them to be able to deliver great translations, but we want them to be tried and tested when it comes to their own culture. After all, language and culture are inseparable. That is why we work with so-called in-country translators, in this case, Swedish translators who live in Sweden and are native speakers of Swedish. In short: we work with translators who live at the heart of their own language and culture. After all, as a client, you need your target group to be addressed properly.

Additional guarantees

Furthermore, we always offer you a lowest price guarantee and our 100% satisfaction guarantee. What do our clients have to say about us? You can find out on this independent website. Lastly, our translators always have to sign a confidentiality statement, which means your texts are always in safe hands.

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Nothing but the highest quality

Translation Agency complies with the highest attainable certifications: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 17100:2015, and ISO 27001:2022. Top quality, security and service remain our number one priority.


Translation Agency is a member of the VViN and EUATC; Organisations of translation agencies that work together to optimise quality and service.